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Solar Plexus Chakra Self Care

Leanne Gruending

The Center of personal power, vitality and will for transformation and manifestation.

Guys. The solar plexus is my JAM. But believe me- it hasn’t always been. I grew up feeling very small. Heck- even well into my mid 20s I had zero idea who I was and what I wanted in life other than to make other people happy (even if it was at a cost to me). Does that sound a little familiar? Yep. I thought so.

Slowly (VERY SLOWLY) The real me has emerged. I’m working on reclaiming (or claiming?!) who I am and being comfortable in my own body- the fun fact is that it all started with a tattoo and a pair of shorts (which I never wore from ages 17-26). Check out this blog post if you'd like to hear about some of the work I've put in over the years, because GUYS! This is work is hard. Completely worth it, but hard.

The Basics

Location: Abdomen/ Belly Button

Essential Oils: Juniper, Cedarwood, Black Pepper, Marjoram, Cardamom, Lemon, Vetiver

🌈: Yellow

💎: Pyrite, Citrine, Amber, Yellow Calcite, Lemon Quartz, Bumble Bee Jasper, Tiger’s Eye

💎 Fav: Citrine

The lesson of the solar plexus chakra is balancing self-confidence and ego. Know your worth and your power to manifest the life of your choice.

We have all been in that place where we feel like a slug. Where the topside of the gutter just feels too far away to crawl out, so isn't down here just easier? In that place where learning to love our bodies is just too much effort, and why should I love myself anyways? What makes me worthy of my own love? So isn't it just easier to cover up those "problem spots" and continue on with life?

Believe me, I hear you.

But I also need to say this because maybe you haven't heard it enough, or loud enough in your life.

YOU ARE WORTHY. Of everything. (It's a weird feeling right?)

I share those feels. But I can tell you once you start creating a little bit of space for the slight possibility that hey, maybe you ARE worthy... things start shifting. This I will promise you.

So maybe you're still just hanging out, looking up. But guess what? YOU'RE LOOKING UP. And that's half the battle.

When out of alignment you might feel low self esteem, self worth and control.

Here's a few of my favourite Solar Plexus Chakra Self Care tips

🌞 Get out in the sun

  • The Sacral Chakra is closely connected to the fiery power of our light bringing friend
  • Plus! Science agrees- sun & fresh air is good for you

✏️ Set some goals

  • The Solar Plexus Chakra is all about embracing your personal power and manifesting your ideal life.
  • Pick a goal
  • Work on it EVERY DAY (track it to keep yourself accountable)
  • Reflect on your progress 

💪🏻 Stop seeing yourself as a victim

  • Powerless is one of the most damaging mindsets we can have.
  • You ALWAYS have power.
  • Recognize when you do it. Stop. Replace the thought pattern with a question: what do I have power over in this moment?

👙 Buy yourself that outfit that challenges your self-esteem.

  • Even if you just wear it around the house, wear it and be proud.
  • Replace the negative body shaming thoughts with what you do love about yourself.
  • Reclaim your body & your personal power

🗣 Use your Mantras

  • I love myself and my body
  • I respect and care for myself
  • The fire within me burns through my fears
  • I CHOOSE health, healing and happiness
  • I act with courage and strength
  • I direct my own life
  • I deserve happiness

🧘‍♀️ Meditate

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